DrummondWoodsum Trains Maine School Board Members On LGBTQ Propaganda
Providing half-truths and lies of omission on “settled law” is a multi-million dollar industry
DrummondWoodsum, the overpriced, far-left group of over 40 educational lawyers who look to help reshape Maine’s educational system in the image of complete fascism where the state controls all, are working to ensure individual school board members have little to no say in how the schools are administered. They are going so far as to hold training seminars pressuring them into believing LGBTQ propaganda and if they don’t fall in line and comply, they may be held personally responsible for lawsuits.
This LGBTQ training was conducted via Zoom to influence Maine’s school board members, provided by an attendee to Maine Source Of Truth.
This is the second in a multi-part series exposing DrummondWoodsum for the millions and millions in payments made to them over the years by Maine taxpayers. The first in this series set the foundation on how they make their bank, so you might want to read that before you dive into this article. All of these articles will be jam-packed with details and links and overly wordy analysis, but if you don’t want to believe me, you can do your own homework. DrummondWoodsum is not the only lawyer group in Maine doing this type of training. But, they are the biggest.
On October 12th, 2022, DrummondWoodsum, the legal bullying arm of the Maine Department Of Education, the Maine School Management Association and the Maine Education Association (teachers union) pushed a training called, “LGBTQ+ and Other Politically Contentious Issues for Board Members,” via Zoom. In this training lawyers Peter Flemly and Melissa Hewey provide school board members what I believe to be half truths and lies of omission to indoctrinate school administrators into believing their legal nonsense.
Another $159 per school board member on top of the millions we are already paying them. If you have not already, FOAA your local school district for legal invoices. You’ll be shocked at what you find.
There were three key focus items in this training that DrummondWoodsum was trying to force on Maine school board members so they don’t use their own critical thinking skills. 1) The rights of transgender and gender expansive students, 2) (Circumventing) book challenges and 3) Balancing the rights of the public with the rights of employees “aka” the elimination of the First Amendment in a school board meeting so you can’t speak about bad teachers.
In this article, we are going to break down DrummondWoodsum’s attempt to provide their far-left views on so-called, “settled law” in Maine, which is an absolute nonsensical legal term, especially in the ways that they attempt to use it. Unless it’s been all the way to the Federal Supreme Court it may not be “settled.” As we are seeing now with the far-left, even some of these settled items, like the recent elimination of Affirmative Action in colleges doesn’t seem to matter, as the liberals do whatever they wish anyway. They just work around it, or ignore it.
The left understands that at the local level, this is where you still can control your own destiny. You can shape how your local school district performs and is held accountable to standards of education. How policies are drafted and enacted. Who is hired, who is fired as superintendent. The key is focusing your energy on exposing the massive amount of woke school board members, then driving them out and replacing them with people willing to stand up for their children and their communities as a whole. Not just the small group of very loud, woketards.
Maine First Project can help you with this as we take back our forgotten parents. If you have not already done so, please get on our email distribution to keep up with what we are trying to change. If you wish to provide a donation to Maine First Project, or myself, that would be nice also. I won’t use any of the money donated for my personal gain. It’s all going to expose these educational issues in our state, something I’ve done for over three years now.
DrummondWoodsum is doing all it can to squash this process of local control and from Maine school board members knowing about how much power you can wield. Even some of those who get on the boards with good intentions are being bludgeoned by DrummondWoodsum to comply with the state. Many of them cave to the pressure. There are not many who will stand up in the face of tyranny and plant themselves like a tree. We need more people like this right now. The students need you.
Where does DrummondWoodsum get some of their LGBTQ information? Directly from the trans-cult. Mr. Felmly states during this training that they are, “hearing from advocacy organizations about the expanding ways in which gender is, um, impacting students at school.” There is no follow up on this “impact,” any examples provided, nor which “advocacy groups” they are listening to, but my bet would be on the widely insane group of misfits at Out Maine, also referenced in one of my prior articles, who received $330,000 in taxpayer money in 2021 and believe two year olds know their gender.
DrummondWoodsum states that their model policies are based on “notions of gender.” No, seriously, that’s what they said.
These lawyers talk about model policies created by DrummondWoodsum and the Maine School Management Association, that are based on the “reality” of “notions of gender.” The definition of a “notion” is “a belief, or opinion, a mental image, an impulse, or a whim.” A whim is defined as, a “sudden, or capricious idea, an impulse.” The “emo crowd” from a decade ago, are now the “trans-students” today. It’s a fad, because these schools are celebrating these confused students, enabling their mental illness. Kids want attention and they are getting it. Kids need education, but they are not getting it. They are getting far-left indoctrination instead.
This is where you can start pushing back and having them define their ever changing nomenclature, their far-left terminology that all started decades ago with accepting “political correctness.” They now have school board members thinking that there are whims of gender from students. Which is exactly what it is, a mental image placed into the mind of an innocent, minor student…your child.
Trans students have just recently exploded on the scene. You see numbers that are up 4000% from just 8 years ago, up 15,000% from 30 years ago. This is overwhelmingly affecting girls and most have some form of autism. Anyone else see why this is happening? It’s criminal, it’s a conspiracy, it’s pure evil. Just follow the money folks, this is big business! Everyone involved is making money off children. It’s a social contagion. It’s all by design.
It is clear from this video that DrummondWoodsum says that teachers can’t ask students about their preferred pronouns and that this may be “evidence of discrimination” and grounds for parents in Maine to sue their local school district for students having to check off their pronouns on tests, homework, surveys, etc. (Please sue them!)
It’s also “clear that there is no real legal guidance” on any of this, as Ms. Hewey states herself in the video. So why does she also claim in this training that, “Pronouns, clear?” These same school board members in the training are being pressed into believing that if a student wants to refer to themselves as a Ze, Tey, Cos, Ae, Em, Per, Tey, Ve, Fae, skoliosexual, pansexual, or a cat (all real pronouns being used by students) that they have to enable the narcissistic lie and mental health issues happening within the student in their self-determination of their own made up pronouns? What Bizarro world are we living in, where minors tell adults what they need to do?
It’s the sad reality that teachers inside Maine’s K-12 schools wrestle with this type of garbage everyday, because of the woke politics and lack of student discipline pushed down from the school board, through the superintendents and principals. Further pressure is put on teachers in the classrooms and hallways by the social workers and school counselors. Then throw in the recent hirings of DIE coordinators (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) and most teachers I hear from just want to survive their day and keep their heads down. They can’t put their all into their product, which was supposed to be teaching kids how to think, not what to think.
The woeful results of our Maine public K-12 schools prove this to be true. At no time in our state’s history have the academic assessment scores been any lower since they started tracking them in 1998. Only 1 in 3 Maine students can read at proficiency and only 1 in 4 students can perform math at proficiency. And way back in 2016, nearly 1 in 3 students after graduating from a Maine high school needed to take a remedial math, or english class just to get into their freshman 101 class in college. It’s way worse today, post Covid political theater, school closures, Zoom classes, masking and so on!
Maine’s educational system is in a full blown crisis!
I have to give the far-left credit for using DrummondWoodsum as their bullying legal arm. Their job is to squash the hopes and dreams of Maine school board members wishing to actually improve their communities' woeful educational system. They are telling you about all this “settled law” and they are lawyers, so it must be true!? Hardly.
Use of pronouns is not a “settled issue,” it’s complete lunacy. Like calling a student a “tree,” for their preferred pronoun (that’s a real thing). We will tackle the other three items in future articles, coming soon!
DrummondWoodsum states, “Pronouns: Students are to be addressed by (the) pronoun corresponding with their gender identity.” Yet, there is no law saying schools, nor employees have to do this. If you do this, you are simply falling off the cliff where tolerance leads to acceptance, which leads to participation, which leads to celebration. Don’t tolerate it. Don’t be pressured into complying with insanity. If you are a teacher, you should know that a boy can’t become a girl and a girl can’t become a boy. If you believe they can transition, you have a screw loose and should be nowhere near a school.
DrummondWoodsum should realize this is unsettled law regarding pronoun usage, as they are involved in representing just this very case here in Maine. Samuel Roy, a school social worker employed by AOS93, Damariscotta’s Great Salt Bay Community Middle School, attempted to sexually transition a 13 year old student by using male pronouns for her in school and told her to keep it a secret from her parents, among other things. The local AOS93 teachers union thugs all showed up wearing red, supporting this inappropriate behavior, when the mother tried to plead with the school board to hold Roy accountable.
Pronoun use in email signatures indicates sexual narcissism, that they are a far-left LGBTQ-cultist and have mental health issues.
I believe we will see this case, Lavigne v. Great Salt Bay Community School ruled in favor of parental rights in the end, based on the 14th Amendment. Not forcing the use of a made up pronoun, a different name and pretending a girl to be a boy, while the student is being indoctrinated by the school administration, with our tax dollars and asking the child to keep it a secret from her parents. What an absolutely horrible and evil group of so-called “educators.”
There are many cases right now in several states pushing back on using student pronouns that are not their actual chromosomal status. Here is one such example, in the hotbed of woke school policies, Loudoun County, VA. “The Supreme Court of Virginia has upheld a lower court ruling that ordered the reinstatement of a northern Virginia gym teacher who said he won't refer to transgender students by their pronouns.” A win for sanity, a win for teachers.
Another example in Ohio, Shawnee State University in Ohio paid out $400,000 in April to Nick Meriwether, a professor who sued the institution for violating his rights and levying an unfair punishment when he refused to refer to a transgender student by her pronouns. Good for him!
Another in Kansas, “Ricard sued the school after she was reprimanded, citing that her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights had been violated. In May of 2022, Ricard received a ruling by a federal court that her termination for failing to use students' preferred pronouns was unconstitutional.” Victory! So, what about pronouns is, “settled” again?
I’m so glad I had some brave Maine school board members willing to step up to provide insight into just how far-left DrummondWoodsum and their bullying efforts are. We will be sprinkling these comments into all our articles. If you have similar examples, reach out to me, I’d love to have them and may include them in future articles. There are a lot of fed up school board members out there who need a voice.
One Maine school board member described the training to me. “I took a training course called “LGBTQ+ and other politically contentious issues for board members.” It was presented by DrummondWoodsum attorneys at law…I would like to share with you what I learned in this training.
Because LGBTQ issues are “settled law,” board members are not allowed to have First Amendment free speech on the matter.
That it doesn’t matter what the public thinks, the parents think, the community thinks, because it's the “settled law.”
One Maine school board member summed up this entire situation with the legal pressure in closing, “The left will keep going, keep pushing their outrageous views, knowing the population is asleep, right until the moment they wake up. And that moment is now, or we risk losing our freedoms, and our children forever.”
They are right on the money. When do parents wake up? When do parents care more for their child, then their social media status? Then having the left call them names? Then their social peer group? Then their job? If parents don’t place their child above all these other things, they may not be thinking straight. Why else are parents on this earth, but not to protect and raise our children?
When do parents stop rolling the dice everyday, just hoping their child comes home from school unharmed? The way this game is currently stacked, the odds are in the house’s favor, in this case, the school and without action, the odds get worse and worse each day. Maine kids are being lost to the trans-cult and unless you stand firm, more will be lost. Maybe your child?
When do you stand up and do what’s right? For sanity? Find your voice, take action, demand change.
Today is the day, I beg you, for your children's sake and for our beautiful State of Maine.
Shawn McBreairty is the Director of Special Projects at Maine First Project, a non-profit organization offering grassroots advocacy training in multiple areas. He has recently taken a position on the board with the newly formed counter to the American Library Association, the World Library Association, a common sense alternative to the “Marxism” being pushed by the ALA. For three years, Shawn has been exposing CRT and the hyper-sexualization of minors (“aka” grooming in the classroom) as well as many dangers within the programs, teachings and curriculum of Maine and this nation’s public, K-12 schools. Check out Shawn's Podcast, “Maine Source Of Truth,” which can be found anywhere you listen. Follow the podcast page on Facebook and @ShawnMcBreairty on social media.